A survey by the Taiwan External Trade Development Council shows that the number of Chinese individuals with assets totaling more than 10 million yuan has passed 1 million and estimates that high-end consumption in the country will pass 70 billion yuan a year in a few years. 台湾外贸发展协会的一项调查显示,个人资产超千万的中国公民人数已超百万,预计中国的年均高端消费额将在近几年内超过700亿元人民币。
Of course, Japan has a huge stock of external assets and far less external borrowings than the US or the eurozone. 当然,日本在海外拥有巨额资产,海外借款也比美国或欧元区少得多。
IIP is a balance sheet showing an economy's stock of external financial assets and liabilities at a particular time point. 国际投资头寸是在一特定时点上一个经济体系的对外金融资产及负债存量的资产负债表。
The Chinese central bank is of course not the only one guilty of investing much of the nation's gross stock external assets as if they were liquid foreign exchange reserves. 很多央行都错误地将大量外部资产储备作为流动性较强的外汇储备来投资,中国央行当然不是唯一的一个。
The banking sector's external assets are among the highest in the world. 本港银行界拥有的对外资产是全球最高之一。
We are obviously concerned over the weakening yen, but with the tremendous savings and external assets of japan, the Japanese authorities with the right policy will be able to revive her economy in due course and help stabilise the Asian region. 日元疲弱,我们深深关注。但日本有雄厚的储蓄和庞大的海外资产,只要日本政府推行适当的政策,日本经济很快便可以复苏,更可协助稳定亚洲区的经济。
Fourthly, for Hong Kong as a whole, therefore, we have external financial assets that far exceed external financial liabilities. 第四,综合上述可见,香港整体的对外金融资产远远超过对外金融负债。
Moreover, much of their accumulation of external assets is in official hands ( see chart). 此外,它们积累的大部分外部资产都集中在官方手里(见表)。
Moreover, most external assets held by emerging economies are dollar-denominated. 此外,新兴经济体持有的大部分外部资产都是以美元计价的。
The figures for Hong kong, just published by the census and statistics department, show that Hong Kong has far more external assets than liabilities. 政府统计处刚公布的数字显示,香港拥有的对外资产额远远超过对外负债额。
The external sources of cash include the liquidation of assets and equity issues. 外部现金来源包括资产变现和发行新股票。
The banking sectors external assets are among the highest in the world. 香港银行的对外资产总值在全球名列高位。
External financial assets consist of claims on non-residents and other specific financial assets where no debtor is involved ( e.g.monetary gold). 对外金融资产涵盖对非居民的申索和不牵涉债务人的其他特定金融资产(例如:货币黄金)。
Less so than last time: foreign exchange reserves are seven times pre-Asian crisis levels, and short term external assets now comfortably exceed short term debts. 情况比上一次危机要好一些:目前外汇储备是亚洲金融危机前的7倍,且短期外部资产远远高于短期债务。
For the demand for liquidity, risk management, and external investment, corporate holds more and more financial assets. 出于对流动性管理、风险控制和外部投资的需要,企业持有的金融资产越来越多。
Chinese external assets have been accumulated up to several hundreds of millions dollars at present, most of which, however, is bond and monetary investment short of controlling interest, and in which the proportion of direct investment is very low. 当前中国的对外资产累积有几千亿美元,但绝大部分是缺乏控股权的债券与货币性投资,直接投资所占份额很少。
The financial systemic vulnerability is mainly caused by the internal instability of both the financial system and banks regardless of external factors and the violent price fluctuation of financial assets. 在不考虑对外因素和金融资产价格剧烈波动的情况下,金融系统性风险主要是由于金融体系的内在不稳定性和银行的内在不稳定性所引起的。
It is an important approach for modern enterprises to absorb external resources and enlarge business scope through reorganization of assets by ways of merging or purchasing under the circumstance of market economy. 在市场经济条件下,通过兼并收购等资产重组方式,吸收外部资源,扩大企业经营规模,是现代企业发展的重要途径。
External financing has some correlations with net operating assets. 外部融资与经营净资产之间存在一定相关性。
They should pay attention to the dynamic development of customer companies regarding internal governance and external operations and study the legal influence of such development on redemptive assets of these companies. 商业银行必须关注客户公司内部治理和对外经营的动态变化,并分析这些变化对公司偿债资产的法律影响。
Such as external transfer and regroup of non-performing assets, joint Asset Management Corporation through international bidding and joint Fund Management Corporation, asset securitization and etc are discussed. 对不良资产对外转让、涉外重组,通过国际招标出售,组建中外合作经营资产管理公司和组建中外合资投资基金公司、不良资产证券化等处置方式进行了详细论述。
China should adjust the external assets structure step by step by enlarging the proportion of foreign direct investment and reducing that of indirect investment, especially reserved assets. 逐步加大对外直接投资的比重,减少非直接投资特别是储备资产的比重应该成为今后中国对外资产结构调整的主要趋势。
There are two main benefits from holding cash. First, the firm saves transaction costs to raise external funds and does to have to liquidate assets to make payments. 持有现金主要有两个优点:一是可节省外部融资的交易成本,且不用为日常性的现金支付清算资产;
Competitive advantages can be acquired if supply chain management is applied to company to integrate the internal and external assets, strengthen the information communication, set up cooperative relationship with upstream and downstream enterprises, lower operating cost of company and speed up the response to customers. 公司通过供应链管理的应用,在内部进行资源集成,加强信息沟通,在外部建立战略合作伙伴关系,降低运营成本,优化公司的业务运营模式,提高公司市场响应能力,在竞争中获得优势。
In our country, there are non-equilibrium states between regions as well as great differences in external environment, which exerts important influence on the quality of regional financial assets. 我国存在着地区间发展的非均衡状态以及由此造成的金融运行环境的巨大差异,对地区金融资产质量的好坏有着重要的甚至是本源性的影响。
Meanwhile, the external environment to rearrange non-performing assets is very bad. 与此同时,我国重组不良资产的外部环境较差。
Experiencing so many years 'brand building, Readers accumulates a lot of experiences to integrate internal and external resources and tangible assets and invisible assets. 《读者》在其品牌建设的过程中,经过多年的探索,在整合各种内外部资源以及有形无形资产方面积累了不少经验。
Besides the external risks of technology, market and assets, high-tech enterprises alse face to internal risks caused by the operators. 一些资料显示高科技企业的发展除面临技术、市场、资金等外部风险之外,还面临着由经营者产生的内部风险。
The reform of economic system and changes of external environment of corporate make the phenomenon of assets impairment appear frequently. 经济体制的变革和企业外部环境的变化使得企业资产减值现象频繁发生。